Relief Maps

Hiking : Labbronnerweg

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Freudenstadt

Map of the trail for Labbronnerweg




0.513 km


0.0 m

Welcome to Labbronnerweg hiking route! This super easy trail spans a distance of 0.513 kilometers with no elevation gain, making it perfect for hikers of all levels.

Labbronnerweg is located in a picturesque area surrounded by natural beauty. As you begin your hike, you'll come across various points of interest along the trail. At the beginning of the route, you'll find a convenient parking area for your vehicle. As you continue, you'll pass by several water sources, providing a peaceful atmosphere for your journey.

Midway through the hike, you'll encounter the charming Restaurant Bareiss, offering a great spot to rest and refuel. Further along, you'll find Dorfstuben restaurant and a bench where you can take a break and enjoy the surroundings.

On the way back, you'll come across informative signs providing insight into the Mitteltal Rain and Mitteltal Eulengrundweg. These signs add an educational element to your hike, making it not only enjoyable but also informative.

Remember to bring plenty of water, especially on warmer days, and check the weather forecast before setting out. Labbronnerweg offers a delightful and leisurely hiking experience, perfect for a relaxing day surrounded by nature. Enjoy your adventure on this beautiful trail!

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