Relief Maps

Hiking : Lichtegehrenhütte

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Freudenstadt Baiersbronn

Map of the trail for Lichtegehrenhütte




2.624 km


70.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a scenic area with beautiful natural surroundings. The trail is an out-and-back type, leading you to the destination of Lichtegehrenhütte. Starting at coordinates 8.255669, 48.524448, the trail spans a distance of 2.624 kilometers with an elevation gain of 70.0 meters.

As you make your way along the route, you will come across various points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, you will find "Forellenhof", a restaurant where you can grab a meal or snack before starting your hike. There are also several water points marked along the trail for you to refill your water bottle and stay hydrated.

One kilometer into the hike, you will reach "Lichtegehrenhütte", a viewpoint and shelter where you can take a break and enjoy the view. This is a great spot to rest and capture some stunning photos of the surrounding landscape.

Hiking tips for this trail include bringing an ample water supply, as the distance is relatively short but the elevation gain may make the hike challenging. Additionally, it is recommended to check the weather forecast before heading out to ensure a safe and enjoyable hike.

Overall, this hiking route offers a moderate level of difficulty due to its length and elevation gain. Whether you are a beginner hiker or a more experienced outdoor enthusiast, this trail provides a refreshing escape into nature with the added bonus of interesting points of interest along the way.

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