Relief Maps

Hiking : Renchtal-Blick

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Ortenaukreis Oppenau

Map of the trail for Renchtal-Blick




1.85 km


0.0 m

Located in the beautiful Black Forest region of Germany, this hiking route will take you on an out-and-back journey from the starting point at Nationalpark Schwarzwald to the stunning Renchtal-Blick viewpoint. The trail spans a total distance of 18.5 kilometers with no elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers of all levels.

As you embark on this scenic hike, you will encounter various points of interest along the way. The trail begins at Nationalpark Schwarzwald and leads you to the Lotharpfad, where you can learn about the local flora and fauna. You will also come across several information points where you can gather more insights about the area.

One of the highlights of the hike is the Renchtal-Blick viewpoint, offering spectacular views of the Renchtal valley. Make sure to take a break at the picnic site along the way and enjoy a meal surrounded by nature. You may also find benches scattered throughout the trail where you can rest and appreciate the serene surroundings.

Before embarking on this journey, remember to pack plenty of water and snacks, as well as checking the weather forecast to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or a nature enthusiast looking for a peaceful trek, this hiking route in the Black Forest promises a memorable adventure.

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