Relief Maps

Hiking : Hotel Engel Obertal - Rechtmurgstraße

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Freudenstadt

Map of the trail for Hotel Engel Obertal - Rechtmurgstraße




0.62 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a beautiful area near Hotel Engel Obertal in Rechtmurgstraße. The trail is super easy, covering a distance of 0.62 kilometers with no elevation gain.

As you start your hike, you'll come across a convenient parking area just 0.0 kilometers from the trailhead. About 0.31 kilometers into the hike, you'll find a water source close to the trail, perfect for refilling your water bottle. This is also where you'll find Hotel Engel Obertal, a restaurant that offers wheelchair access and has a phone number for any inquiries.

Along the way, you'll spot several benches for taking breaks or enjoying a snack. These benches are located at various points along the trail, with the closest one being 0.1 kilometers from the start. An information center is also available at the beginning of the trail, providing insights into the area.

Since the trail is short and flat, it's suitable for hikers of all levels. However, it's always a good idea to bring water, wear comfortable shoes, and check the weather forecast before setting out. Enjoy a leisurely hike surrounded by nature, with convenient amenities along the way.

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