Relief Maps

Hiking : Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières - Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières

France Occitania Hérault

Map of the trail for Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières - Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières




2.415 km


140.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the stunning area of Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières. The trail is a circular route that spans approximately 2.415 kilometers with an elevation gain of 140 meters, making it an easy hike suitable for hikers of all levels.

As you begin your journey, you will come across several water points along the trail, located at various distances from the starting point. These provide an opportunity to refill your water bottles and take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty surrounding you. You will also pass by Les Seilhols and Site école, perfect spots for climbing enthusiasts to explore and enjoy.

Midway through the hike, you will encounter the mesmerizing Gorges de Colombières, an attraction that offers a breathtaking view and a perfect place to rest and take in the scenery. As you continue on the trail, you may come across L'atelier 7, a restaurant where you can grab a bite to eat before finishing your hike.

Before embarking on this adventure, make sure to bring an adequate water supply, wear comfortable hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast. With its manageable distance and moderate elevation gain, this hike is a wonderful way to immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the beauty of Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières.

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