Relief Maps

Hiking : Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières - Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières

France Occitania Hérault

Map of the trail for Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières - Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières




0.625 km


35.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area of Gorges de Colombières. The trail is a super easy out-and-back route with a distance of 0.625 kilometers and an elevation gain of 35 meters, making it suitable for hikers of all levels.

As you start your hike, you will pass by a parking area where you can leave your car before hitting the trail. Just 260 meters into the hike, you will come across a water source, perfect for refilling your water bottles. Further along the trail at the 310-meter mark, you will find more water sources, both on and off the trail.

At the midway point of the hike, you will encounter L'atelier 7, a restaurant where you can take a break and grab a bite to eat. If you're feeling adventurous, there is a climbing area nearby at a distance of 260 meters from the start of the trail.

One of the highlights of this hike is reaching the Gorges de Colombières, a beautiful attraction located just 160 meters from the trail. Take your time to enjoy the views before heading back the way you came.

Before embarking on this hike, make sure to bring plenty of water, as there are limited water sources along the trail. Additionally, check the weather forecast to ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience. Enjoy your time exploring the Sentiers des Gorges de Colombières!

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