Relief Maps

Hiking : Zillergrund - Zillergrund

Österreich Bezirk Schwaz

Map of the trail for Zillergrund - Zillergrund




7.341 km


147.0 m

This hiking route in Zillergrund offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for outdoor enthusiasts. The 7.341-kilometer circular trail boasts a total elevation gain of 147.0 meters, promising breathtaking views of the surrounding natural beauty.

Starting at Zillergrund, hikers will first encounter Almgasthof Häusling, a cozy restaurant located just 0.05 kilometers from the trail. This is a perfect spot to grab a bite to eat or take a break before continuing on the journey. As you trek further, you will come across a refreshing water source around 3.63 kilometers into the hike, providing a much-needed opportunity to refill your water bottle and stay hydrated.

For those driving to the trailhead, a convenient parking area is situated right at the beginning of the route, making it easy to access the starting point without any hassle.

Throughout the hike, be prepared for a difficult terrain with some steep inclines and rocky paths. It is recommended to bring plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate gear to ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure. Additionally, always check the weather forecast before heading out to avoid any unexpected conditions.

As you reach the end of the trail, take a moment to reflect on the beauty of Zillergrund and the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing this challenging yet invigorating hike.

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