Relief Maps

Hiking : Refuge de la Pointe Percée - Gramusset

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Refuge de la Pointe Percée - Gramusset




6.616 km


430.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Refuge de la Pointe Percée - Gramusset!

Located in a beautiful alpine area, this moderate difficulty out-and-back trail spans a total distance of 6.616 kilometers with an elevation gain of 430 meters, taking an estimated duration of 2 hours and 36 minutes to complete. Before embarking on this adventure, make sure to pack plenty of water and check the weather forecast to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

As you begin your journey, you'll come across several points of interest along the way. Near the start of the trail, you'll find Col des Annes, a picturesque saddle offering stunning views of the surrounding natural landscape. Just a short distance away, you'll also encounter Pointe des Delevrets, a peak that adds to the scenic beauty of the area.

Approximately 3.31 kilometers into the hike, you'll reach the highlight of the route, Refuge de la Pointe Percée - Gramusset, an alpine hut where you can take a break and soak in the breathtaking views. This cozy retreat provides a perfect resting spot before you head back on the trail.

As you continue your hike, you'll pass by other notable landmarks such as Col de l'Oulettaz and Monts Pelés, offering diverse natural beauty and opportunities for exploration. Keep an eye out for informational points along the way, providing insights into the history and geography of the area.

Remember to stay hydrated, wear appropriate footwear, and be mindful of your surroundings as you traverse this scenic trail. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or a nature lover looking for adventure, the route to Refuge de la Pointe Percée - Gramusset promises an unforgettable outdoor experience. Enjoy the journey and the serenity of the alpine wilderness!

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