Relief Maps

Hiking : Route du Col des Aravis

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Route du Col des Aravis




8.35 km


515.0 m

Welcome to Route du Col des Aravis, a challenging hiking route with a total distance of 8.35 kilometers and an elevation gain of 515 meters. The estimated duration for this hike is approximately 3 hours and 13 minutes, making it a difficult trail suitable for experienced hikers.

Starting off at the trailhead, you will find a convenient parking area to leave your vehicle before embarking on this adventure. As you begin your journey, the trail leads you towards the Col de Merdassier, a beautiful natural saddle located just 0.01 kilometers away from the start point.

Along the way, you will come across informative spots about the surroundings, with the first information point just 0.07 kilometers from the beginning of the trail. Make sure to stop by and learn more about the area you are exploring.

As you continue your hike, you will reach a viewpoint 4.18 kilometers into the route. Take a moment to enjoy the breathtaking scenery and capture some photos to remember this experience.

One interesting point of interest that is slightly off the trail is La ferme de l'étale, a charming farm located 0.0 kilometers from the start. While it may require a small detour, it could be a worthwhile visit if you have the time.

Before setting off on this challenging hike, remember to bring an adequate supply of water, snacks, and proper hiking gear. It is also recommended to check the weather forecast beforehand and inform someone about your hiking plans for safety precautions.

Embark on the Route du Col des Aravis and immerse yourself in the natural beauty and rewarding challenges it has to offer. Happy hiking!

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