Relief Maps

Hiking : Refuge du Plan de l'Aar

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Savoie La Giettaz

Map of the trail for Refuge du Plan de l'Aar




9.818 km


551.0 m

This challenging hiking route will take you to the stunning Refuge du Plan de l'Aar in the scenic area. The trail covers a distance of 9.818 kilometers with an elevation gain of 551 meters, which will take approximately 3 hours and 39 minutes to complete.

As you embark on this out-and-back route, you will come across various points of interest. The trail starts right at the parking area, which is located at the beginning of the hike. Remember to bring plenty of water and snacks as there are no fees for parking here.

As you make your way along the trail, you will pass by the picturesque alpine hut, Refuge du Plan de l'Aar, situated about 4.91 kilometers from the starting point. This will be a perfect spot to take a break, enjoy the panoramic views, and maybe even stay overnight if you're looking for a more immersive experience in nature.

Due to the distance and elevation gain, this hike is categorized as difficult. Make sure to wear proper hiking gear, carry enough water, and check the weather forecast before heading out.

Overall, this hiking route offers a rewarding experience for outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the beauty of the area and the Refuge du Plan de l'Aar. Enjoy the journey and stay safe on the trails!

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