Relief Maps

Hiking : Pico Setsas

Italia Veneto Belluno

Map of the trail for Pico Setsas




6.783 km


376.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area surrounding Pico Setsas. The trail is 6.783 kilometers long with an elevation gain of 376 meters, making it a moderate difficulty hike.

As you start your hike, you will pass by Lago di Valparola, a scenic lake located 0.32 kilometers from the start of the trail. Further along, at 0.05 kilometers from the start, you will come across Rifugio "Passo Valparola", a restaurant and alpine hut where you can take a break and enjoy some local cuisine.

One of the highlights of the hike is reaching Pico Setsas, a peak located 3.39 kilometers from the start of the trail. From here, you can admire stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area.

Along the way, you will also find Passo Valparola, a saddle located right on the trail, as well as informational points and shelters for hikers to rest and learn more about the area.

It is important to bring an ample water supply, especially on warmer days, and check the weather forecast before starting your hike. Remember to stay on the designated trail and leave no trace behind to preserve the natural beauty of the area. Enjoy your hike to Pico Setsas!

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