Relief Maps

Hiking : Bivacco Pian delle Stelle

Italia Veneto Belluno Rocca Pietore

Map of the trail for Bivacco Pian delle Stelle




0.84 km


38.0 m

This hiking route will take you through the stunning alpine landscape of the area, starting at an elevation of 1510 meters and reaching the destination at 1557 meters. The total distance of the route is 8.4 kilometers with an elevation gain of 38 meters, making it a moderate hike suitable for hikers of all levels.

Your starting point will be at an alpine hut called Bivacco Pian delle Stelle, where you can take in the beautiful surroundings before you begin your journey. As you make your way along the trail, you will pass by several points of interest, including the Belvedere di Rónch viewpoint and the Sass de Ròcia viewpoint, where you can stop to admire the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Further along the route, you will come across the Sass de Rocia peak and the Sass de la Gusela peak, where you can challenge yourself with a short detour to reach their summits and enjoy panoramic views of the area. Along the way, you will also find drinking water points and benches where you can rest and refuel.

As you continue on the trail, you will encounter the Salèra de la néf cave entrance and the Bus del conìcio cave entrance, adding a sense of adventure to your hike. The route is an out-and-back type, leading you back to the starting point at Bivacco Pian delle Stelle after exploring all the points of interest along the way.

Before embarking on this hike, make sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate hiking gear. Check the weather forecast and trail conditions beforehand to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. With its diverse points of interest and moderate difficulty level, this hiking route promises a memorable adventure in the heart of the alpine wilderness.

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