Relief Maps

Hiking : Strada delle Croci

Italia Umbria Perugia

Map of the trail for Strada delle Croci




10.839 km


352.0 m

This hiking route on the Strada delle Croci offers a challenging yet rewarding trek through the beautiful scenery of the area. With a distance of 10.839 kilometers and an elevation gain of 352 meters, hikers can expect a moderately difficult hike that will take approximately 3 hours and 23 minutes to complete.

Starting at the parking area located at the beginning of the trail, hikers will pass by a picturesque fountain about 5.29 kilometers into the route. As you continue along the trail, you will come across the Casetta San Severo shelter at the 3-kilometer mark, providing a nice rest stop for hikers to catch their breath.

Further along the trail, at around the 3.15-kilometer mark, you will encounter the Laghetto San Severo, a serene little lake perfect for a peaceful break. As you approach the 4-kilometer mark, the Pozza water feature offers a refreshing sight for hikers to enjoy.

For those looking for a place to relax and have a picnic, the picnic site at around 3.05 kilometers into the trail is the perfect spot. Additionally, a viewpoint with stunning vistas awaits hikers at 0.53 kilometers into the route, providing a perfect photo opportunity.

Remember to bring plenty of water, snacks, and proper hiking gear for this trek. It is also recommended to check the weather forecast before heading out on the trail. Enjoy the journey and take in the breathtaking views along the Strada delle Croci hiking route!

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