Relief Maps

Hiking : Chaisterchopfweg

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Aargau Bezirk Laufenburg

Map of the trail for Chaisterchopfweg




0.982 km


54.0 m

The Chaisterchopfweg hiking route is located in a beautiful area with stunning natural scenery. This super easy route covers a distance of approximately 0.982 kilometers and includes an elevation gain of 54.0 meters. The estimated duration for completing this hike is 21 minutes and 44 seconds.

As you begin your journey, you will come across a parking area, located right at the start of the trail. Make sure to park your vehicle here before embarking on your hike. Along the way, you will encounter several water points, providing a refreshing break for hikers. These water features can be found at various points, with the closest one being at a distance of 0.49 kilometers from the trail's beginning.

The route follows an out-and-back trail, allowing hikers to retrace their steps on the way back. It is important to note that this trail is relatively short and easy, making it suitable for hikers of all skill levels. However, it is always recommended to bring an ample water supply, especially on hot days, and check the weather forecast before heading out.

Overall, the Chaisterchopfweg hiking route offers a delightful outdoor experience, perfect for a quick and enjoyable adventure in nature. So lace up your hiking boots, grab your essentials, and get ready to explore this picturesque trail.

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