Relief Maps

Hiking : Mare de L'Iselet

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Mare de L'Iselet




1.511 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a beautiful area with stunning natural features. The trail is super easy, making it perfect for beginners or those looking for a leisurely walk in nature.

As you start your journey, you'll come across a tranquil water feature just 0.19 kilometers from the trail. This spot is a great place to take in the peaceful surroundings and maybe even have a quick break.

For those driving to the trailhead, there is a parking area conveniently located right at the beginning of the trail, allowing for easy access to the start of your hike.

About 0.76 kilometers into the hike, you'll reach Mare de L'Iselet, a lovely body of water that adds to the charm of the route. Take some time to admire the scenery before heading back towards the starting point.

Remember to bring plenty of water, even on an easier hike like this one. It's also a good idea to check the weather forecast before you set out, as conditions can change quickly in the mountains.

Overall, this out-and-back hike offers a peaceful and picturesque experience for hikers of all levels. Enjoy the tranquility of the natural surroundings as you explore Mare de L'Iselet and the other points of interest along the way.

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