Relief Maps

Hiking : Großer Galtenberg


Map of the trail for Großer Galtenberg




13.838 km


1267.0 m

This extremely difficult 13.838-kilometer circular hiking route will lead you to the majestic Großer Galtenberg in the Alpbach area.

Starting at the Tourengeher-Parkplatz, a parking lot maintained by the Gemeinde Alpbach, you will embark on a challenging journey filled with breathtaking views and natural wonders.

Along the way, you will pass by the Wasserversorgungsanlage Greiter Eggl, a drinking water facility located 0.39 kilometers from the start, providing a much-needed refreshment point.

As you make your way towards the peak of Großer Galtenberg, which stands at an elevation gain of 1267 meters, you will encounter benches strategically placed for resting and taking in the serene surroundings.

At the summit, the Großer Galtenberg peak awaits, offering a panoramic view of the surrounding area that is truly worth the effort.

Before embarking on this challenging hike, be sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and check the weather forecast. The terrain can be rugged and steep, so proper hiking gear and physical fitness are a must.

Overall, this hike promises a rewarding experience for those seeking a test of endurance and a communion with nature's beauty.

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