Relief Maps

Hiking : 24 - 24

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Aargau Bezirk Aarau

Map of the trail for 24 - 24




2.626 km


0.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route around destination 24-24. This easy 2.626-kilometer circular trail offers a pleasant stroll with no elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers of all levels.

Starting off at the parking area, you will pass by a small zoo called Kleintierzoo, which unfortunately seems to be closed. As you continue on the trail, you will encounter several water points, perfect for a quick rest and refreshment. The first water point is 0.58 kilometers from the start, followed by another set of water points at 1.28 kilometers into the hike. These points are not directly on the trail, so a short detour might be necessary to access them.

Around the midway point of the trail, you will come across Suhremündung, a picturesque spot worth exploring. Make sure to bring your camera to capture the beauty of this area.

As you make your way back towards the starting point, you will find another set of water points at 1.28 kilometers, providing a final opportunity to refill your water bottle before completing the hike.

Remember to bring enough water for the journey, wear comfortable hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this leisurely hike. Enjoy the tranquility of nature as you walk along this scenic route.

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