Relief Maps

Hiking : Höchster Punkt des Kantons Aargau

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Solothurn Amtei Olten-Gösgen Stüsslingen

Map of the trail for Höchster Punkt des Kantons Aargau




2.678 km


107.0 m

This hiking route will take you to the highest point in the Aargau canton, known as Höchster Punkt des Kantons Aargau. The area is rich in natural beauty and offers stunning views along the way.

You can start your hike at the parking area located nearby. From there, you will begin your journey towards the peak. Along the way, you will come across a saddle called Schafmatt Passhöhe, which provides a picturesque resting spot.

As you continue your ascent, you will reach the highest point of the hike, the Höchster Punkt des Kantons Aargau, which stands at an elevation of 898 meters. This peak offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding area, making it a perfect spot for a well-deserved break.

During your hike, you may also encounter various points of interest such as boundary stones and informative signposts like Balmis and Meierweidhöchi. These markers provide additional insight into the history and geography of the region.

With a total distance of 2.678 kilometers and an elevation gain of 107 meters, this hike is of moderate difficulty. It is important to come prepared with plenty of water, snacks, and sturdy hiking shoes. Additionally, be sure to check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure.

Overall, this out-and-back hiking route to the highest point in Aargau canton promises a rewarding experience for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike. Enjoy the stunning views and peaceful surroundings as you make your way to the Höchster Punkt des Kantons Aargau.

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