Relief Maps

Hiking : Jardins ethnobotaniques de la Gardie - Chemin de Panissière

France Occitanie Gard

Map of the trail for Jardins ethnobotaniques de la Gardie - Chemin de Panissière




3.288 km


33.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area of Jardins ethnobotaniques de la Gardie - Chemin de Panissière. The trail is a circular route with a total distance of 3.288 kilometers and an elevation gain of 33 meters, making it an easy hike suitable for all skill levels.

Along the way, you will encounter several points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, you will find parking facilities for your convenience. As you continue, you will come across Croix de Fauvie, an informational point of interest located 0.64 kilometers from the start. Further along the trail, at 1.54 kilometers, you will discover the Source de la Gardie and Jardin médiéval. These spots offer a picturesque setting to rest and take in the surroundings.

As you trek through the route, be sure to bring an ample supply of water and wear suitable footwear. Checking the weather forecast before embarking on your hike is also recommended.

Overall, the Jardins ethnobotaniques de la Gardie - Chemin de Panissière trail provides a relaxing and enjoyable hiking experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area.

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