Relief Maps

Hiking : Chapelle Saint-Laurent - Robiac-Rochessadoule

France Occitanie Gard Robiac-Rochessadoule

Map of the trail for Chapelle Saint-Laurent - Robiac-Rochessadoule




6.033 km


173.0 m

This hiking route will take you to the picturesque area surrounding Chapelle Saint-Laurent in Robiac-Rochessadoule. The total distance of the hike is 6.033 kilometers with an elevation gain of 173 meters. The estimated duration for this hike is around 1 hour and 29 minutes.

As you begin your journey, you'll come across points of interest along the way. Close to the starting point, you'll find La Cantonnade, an information point where you can learn more about the area. As you continue on, you'll encounter the Bessèges - Le Terril information point and Bessèges - La Pinède information point, each offering insights into the surroundings.

A highlight of the hike is the Chapelle Saint-Laurent, a historic ruins site located 2 kilometers away from the starting point. This chapel provides a glimpse into the region's past and offers a unique setting for a rest stop or photo opportunity.

Throughout the hike, you'll also find viewpoints and benches strategically placed for hikers to take in the beautiful scenery and enjoy moments of relaxation. It is recommended to bring an ample supply of water, as well as snacks, especially if you plan to spend time exploring the ruins.

Before embarking on this hike, be sure to check the weather forecast and wear appropriate hiking gear. With a moderate difficulty level based on the distance and elevation gain, this route is suitable for hikers of varying experience levels. Enjoy the stunning natural beauty and historic charm of Chapelle Saint-Laurent on this circular hiking adventure in Robiac-Rochessadoule.

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