Relief Maps

Hiking : Bartková

Slovakia Region of Banská Bystrica

Map of the trail for Bartková




17.739 km


1061.0 m

This extremely difficult 17.739-kilometer circular hiking route leads to the stunning Bartková area. The trail starts at a wilderness hut 'Kanapej' and takes you through challenging terrain with an elevation gain of 1061 meters.

Along the way, you will encounter various points of interest. At the beginning of the hike, you will pass by a shelter called 'Útulňa Andrejcová' where you can take a break. As you make your way through the trail, you will come across the peak 'Bartková' and a saddle.

Midway through the hike, you will reach the wayside cross 'Kríž u Andrejcovej' and another shelter for a short rest. Further along, you will find a spring 'Prameň Kyslá' to refill your water bottle.

As you continue your trek, you will encounter more points of interest such as the peak 'Andrejcová' and another shelter for hikers. Make sure to check out the information points scattered throughout the trail for some insightful knowledge about the area.

It is advisable to bring plenty of water, snacks, and a fully charged phone. Since this hike is extremely difficult and covers a long distance, it's crucial to be prepared and check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure. Enjoy the breathtaking views and the sense of accomplishment as you complete this challenging hike in the Bartková area.

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