Relief Maps

Hiking : Gîte Notre Dame des Neiges

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Upper Savoy Fillière

Map of the trail for Gîte Notre Dame des Neiges




5.589 km


81.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful alpine region of Haute-Savoie, offering stunning views and a moderate challenge. The trail covers a distance of 5.589 kilometers with an elevation gain of 81 meters, taking approximately 1 hour and 29 minutes to complete.

Starting from the trailhead, you will come across various points of interest along the way. At the beginning of the hike, you will find the parking area where you can leave your vehicle before embarking on the journey. Further along the trail, about 1.02 kilometers from the start, you will encounter another alpine hut called Gîte Notre Dame des Neiges, providing a cozy resting spot with scenic surroundings.

As you continue your trek, you'll pass by natural landmarks such as the Perte du Dran spring and rocky formations, adding to the allure of the route. Information points offering insights into the local area, including Bienvenue dans les alpages de Haute-Savoie and Le plateau des Glières, are also scattered throughout the trail to enhance your experience.

For a more challenging excursion, you can explore off-trail locations like Freddy Romera's farm and the Dran rock formation, situated at a distance from the main path. It's essential to stay hydrated and come prepared with water, snacks, and proper hiking gear. Additionally, checking the weather forecast before heading out is advised to ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure.

Overall, this out-and-back hiking route provides a mix of natural beauty, cultural discoveries, and a moderate level of difficulty, making it a rewarding experience for outdoor enthusiasts seeking to explore the wonders of Haute-Savoie.

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