Relief Maps

Hiking : Chemin de la Rosière

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Chemin de la Rosière




2.026 km


153.0 m

Welcome to the Chemin de la Rosière hiking route! This route is located in a beautiful area with stunning views and natural attractions. The hike is 2.026 kilometers long with an elevation gain of 153 meters, making it an easy trail suitable for all skill levels.

As you start your journey, you will pass by the Auberge de Morette, a charming restaurant located right on the trail. Feel free to stop here for a delicious meal or snack before continuing on your hike. Nearby, you will also find parking areas for your convenience.

About 0.67 kilometers into the hike, you will reach the Cascade de Morette, a breathtaking waterfall that is definitely worth a visit. Take some time to appreciate the natural beauty before moving on.

Further along the trail, you will come across the Grotte Notre-Dame de Lourdes, a historic wayside shrine. This is a great spot to learn about the area's cultural and religious significance.

As you continue the hike, you will encounter several viewpoints where you can pause to take in the panoramic vistas of the surroundings. Be sure to bring a camera to capture the stunning scenery.

Throughout the hike, you will also find benches and drinking water stations for your convenience. It's always a good idea to stay hydrated, so be sure to bring plenty of water with you.

Before embarking on your journey, don't forget to check the weather forecast and dress appropriately for the conditions. As always, practice Leave No Trace principles and respect the natural environment.

Overall, the Chemin de la Rosière route offers a pleasant and enjoyable hiking experience with a mix of natural beauty and historic landmarks. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned hiker, this trail is sure to provide a memorable outdoor adventure. Enjoy your hike!

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