Relief Maps

Hiking : Chluser Roggen

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Solothurn Amtei Thal-Gäu

Map of the trail for Chluser Roggen




3.655 km


323.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area surrounding Chluser Roggen. The trail is 3.655 kilometers long with an elevation gain of 323 meters, making it of moderate difficulty. The estimated duration for the hike is 1 hour and 39 minutes.

As you start your journey, you will come across the Alt Falkenstein castle located just 0.29 kilometers from the trail. This historic site offers a glimpse into the past and is a great place to explore. Further along the trail, approximately 1.83 kilometers from the start, you will find a viewpoint that provides breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Along the way, there are various points of interest such as a climbing area and a restaurant located about 0.31 kilometers from the trail. These spots are perfect for taking a break and refueling before continuing on your hike.

As you reach the midway point of the trail, you will encounter a wayside cross and information points that offer insight into the area's history and surroundings. Additionally, there are viewpoints scattered along the route, each offering a unique perspective of the landscape.

It is important to note that there are parking areas available at the beginning of the trail, as well as drinking water stations and benches for resting. Be sure to bring an adequate supply of water, wear appropriate hiking gear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure. Whether you're an experienced hiker or a beginner, this trail offers a rewarding outdoor experience for all.

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