Relief Maps

Hiking : Unterer Katzenweg - Unterer Katzenweg

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Solothurn Amtei Thal-Gäu

Map of the trail for Unterer Katzenweg - Unterer Katzenweg




1.955 km


153.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route description for the Unterer Katzenweg trail! This tranquil trail offers a peaceful escape into nature, perfect for hikers of all skill levels looking to enjoy a leisurely stroll.

Starting at the trailhead, you'll find convenient parking facilities nearby to leave your vehicle before embarking on your adventure. As you begin your journey, you'll come across benches strategically placed along the trail, offering hikers a chance to rest and take in the surrounding beauty. Information points provide interesting tidbits about the area, making for a more educational experience.

Around the midway point, you'll encounter the Geissenbrunnen, a drinking water spot where you can refill your water bottle and stay hydrated. Further along the trail, you can explore the Beckebrunne drinking water source and the Josef-Meinrad-Rauber-Brunnen fountain, ensuring you stay refreshed throughout your hike.

For those interested in unique viewpoints, make sure to visit Fahnen and Schattenhäuschen, offering picturesque vistas of the surrounding landscape. Additionally, the Egerkinger Wasserfall and Josef-Meinrad-Rauber-Brunnen provide scenic views that are worth the extra distance.

With a total distance of 1.955 kilometers and an elevation gain of 153 meters, this easy route is perfect for a quick outdoor getaway. Remember to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast before setting out.

Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or a chance to connect with nature, the Unterer Katzenweg trail promises a delightful hiking experience for all who traverse its path. Enjoy your adventure!

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