Relief Maps

Hiking : Änziane

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Basel-Landschaft Bezirk Waldenburg

Map of the trail for Änziane




1.617 km


33.0 m

This hiking route in the Änziane area is a super easy trail covering a distance of 1.617 kilometers with an elevation gain of 33 meters. The total duration for this hike is approximately 27 minutes and 24 seconds.

As you embark on this route, you will come across a variety of points of interest along the way. At the beginning of the trail, you will find a bench just 0.1 kilometers from the start, where you can rest and enjoy the surroundings. A parking area is also available right at the trailhead, making it convenient for hikers to park their vehicles before starting the trek.

Further along the trail, at a distance of 0.17 kilometers from the start, you will find informational points of interest providing insights about the area. Another informational point, Waldweid, is located 0.04 kilometers from the start along the trail.

For sustenance, there is a BBQ area located 0.27 kilometers from the start, offering a perfect spot to take a break and enjoy a meal amidst nature. Additionally, at a distance of 0.81 kilometers from the start, you will reach the peak named Änziane, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

This out-and-back route offers a leisurely hike suitable for all skill levels. Remember to bring an ample water supply, wear comfortable hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast before heading out. Enjoy the scenic beauty and tranquility of the Änziane area as you explore this picturesque hiking trail.

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