Relief Maps

Hiking : Bec Charvet

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Bec Charvet




2.364 km


314.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area of Bec Charvet. Starting at the parking area, you will begin your journey with a moderate difficulty level. It is essential to bring water and check the forecast before embarking on this 2.364-kilometer hike with an elevation gain of 314 meters.

As you make your way along the trail, you will come across the Gorge du Manival viewpoint, located 0.48 kilometers from the start. This is a perfect spot to take in breathtaking views of the surroundings. Continuing onwards, at around 0.06 kilometers from the start, you will find a refreshing spring where you can rest and rehydrate.

The highlight of this hike is reaching the peak of Bec Charvet, located 1.18 kilometers from the start. This rewarding destination offers stunning panoramic views and a sense of accomplishment. Take your time to soak in the beauty of the natural surroundings before heading back the way you came.

Remember to pace yourself and take breaks as needed, especially on the uphill sections. Overall, this out-and-back route provides a satisfying hiking experience for nature enthusiasts. Enjoy the journey and stay safe on the trails!

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