Relief Maps

Hiking : Petit Som

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Petit Som




6.646 km


610.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Petit Som! This picturesque area offers stunning views and a challenging hike for outdoor enthusiasts. The route is an out-and-back type, totaling 6.646 kilometers with an elevation gain of 610 meters, making it a difficult hike.

As you start your journey, you will find a convenient parking area right at the beginning of the trail. Take note of the Col de Léchaud, a saddle located 3.02 kilometers from the start, where you can enjoy a brief rest and take in the surrounding natural beauty.

Continuing on, you will come across information points at both the Col de Léchaud and the Petit Som peak, providing insights into the area's history and geography. At 3.32 kilometers from the start, you will find a wayside cross, adding a touch of historic charm to your hike.

Although there is a spring located 3.02 kilometers from the start, it's slightly off the trail, so make sure to bring enough water for your journey. Additionally, be sure to check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure, as conditions can change quickly in mountainous terrain.

Overall, this challenging hike to Petit Som offers a rewarding experience for those willing to tackle its length and elevation. Always remember to stay hydrated, be prepared with proper hiking gear, and enjoy the journey through this beautiful natural setting.

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