Relief Maps

Hiking : Obergasse

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Bern/Berne Verwaltungskreis Oberaargau

Map of the trail for Obergasse




3.191 km


0.0 m

This hiking route in the Obergasse area offers a pleasant and easy outdoor experience. The trail is circular and spans a distance of approximately 3.2 kilometers with no significant elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers of all levels.

Along the way, you will come across several points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, you will find the Sängeliweiher, a picturesque water feature just 1.38 kilometers from the start. Further along the route, at 1.59 kilometers, there is another water point and a bench for resting. Near the midway point of the hike, there is a BBQ spot perfect for a picnic break. As you approach the end of the trail, there are more benches available for relaxation, roughly 1.35 kilometers from the start.

Remember to bring an ample supply of water, especially on hot days, as there are limited water sources along the trail. It is also advisable to check the weather forecast before setting out. Whether you are looking for a leisurely stroll or a family-friendly hike, the Obergasse route promises a peaceful and enjoyable outdoor adventure.

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