Relief Maps

Hiking : Lavinores

Italia Veneto Belluno Marèo - Enneberg - Marebbe

Map of the trail for Lavinores




11.281 km


1029.0 m

This challenging hiking route will take you to Lavinores, offering stunning views and a total distance of 11.281 kilometers with an elevation gain of 1029 meters. The total duration for this hike is approximately 5 hours and 11 minutes.

Starting at the trailhead, you will come across the Üćia Pederü Alpine Hut, a great spot to grab a meal or rest before starting your journey. As you progress along the trail, you will encounter the Üćia de Fodara Vedla Alpine Hut, offering another opportunity to refuel and enjoy the surroundings.

Along the way, there are several points of interest such as drinking water stations, benches for resting, and information points to learn more about the area's history and nature. You will also pass by a wayside cross, adding a touch of historic charm to your hike.

Midway through the hike, you will reach Lavinores, a notable peak in the region. Take some time to admire the panoramic views before heading back the same way you came.

It is recommended to bring an ample water supply and snacks for the hike, as well as checking the weather forecast before setting out. This hike is classified as difficult due to its length and elevation gain, so be prepared for a strenuous but rewarding adventure in the beautiful outdoors.

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