Relief Maps

Hiking : Cima Padeon

Italia Veneto Belluno

Map of the trail for Cima Padeon




11.526 km


1121.0 m

This hiking route will take you through the beautiful area of Cima Padeon, offering stunning views and challenging terrain. The total distance of the hike is 11.526 kilometers with an elevation gain of 1121 meters, making it a difficult trail that will test your hiking skills.

Starting at the parking area, you will make your way towards Passo Tre Croci - Son Zuógo, a saddle located just 0.05 kilometers from the start of the trail. As you continue along the path, you will come across several points of interest such as Sote Col da Varda, Col dei Jere, and Pó Pontiò, offering information and amenities for hikers.

At around 2.54 kilometers into the hike, you will reach Rifugio Son Forca, an alpine hut where you can take a break and refuel before continuing your journey. Further along the trail, you will encounter Cristallino d'Ampezzo, a peak that is 4.47 kilometers from the start, and Cima Padeon, another peak located 5.76 kilometers into the hike.

For those looking to take a rest, there are benches and shelters available at various points along the trail, such as Bivacco Ricovero Buffa di Perrero. Make sure to check the weather forecast before heading out, as the terrain can be challenging and unpredictable.

Overall, this out-and-back route to Cima Padeon offers a rewarding hiking experience for those looking to challenge themselves in the stunning alpine region. Don't forget to bring plenty of water, some snacks, and proper hiking gear to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.

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