Relief Maps

Hiking : Le Grand Rocher

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Crêts-en-Belledonne

Map of the trail for Le Grand Rocher




6.459 km


475.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Le Grand Rocher! This moderate 6.459-kilometer out-and-back trail offers a scenic adventure with an elevation gain of 475.0 meters, perfect for hikers looking for a challenge.

Starting at the Foyer de ski de fond, you'll begin your journey with a gentle incline through the picturesque surroundings. Along the way, you'll pass by the tranquil Lac de Crêvecœur, located 0.61 kilometers from the start, where you can take a moment to admire the beauty of the water.

Continuing on, at around 1.25 kilometers from the start, you'll come across a refreshing spring where you can refill your water bottles. As you approach the midway point of the trail, you'll encounter the stunning Lac de Séchident at 2.31 kilometers from the start, offering a serene spot to rest and take in the views.

For a cultural touch, be sure to stop by the Wayside Cross at 0.86 kilometers from the start, adding a historical element to your hike. As you near the end of the trail, you'll reach the peak at Le Grand Rocher, standing tall at 3.23 kilometers from the start, providing a rewarding summit experience.

Throughout your hike, don't forget to stay hydrated and pack plenty of water and snacks. Additionally, check the weather forecast before embarking on your journey to ensure a safe and enjoyable hike.

Overall, the trail to Le Grand Rocher offers a moderate challenge with rewarding views and points of interest to explore along the way. Lace up your hiking boots and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in this beautiful area!

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