Relief Maps

Hiking : Moosbronner Straße - Gaggenau

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Rastatt Gaggenau

Map of the trail for Moosbronner Straße - Gaggenau




2.232 km


75.0 m

This hiking route starts at Moosbronner Straße in Gaggenau, a beautiful area known for its stunning views and peaceful surroundings. The circular route spans a distance of 2.232 kilometers with an elevation gain of 75 meters, making it a moderate hike suitable for most hikers.

Along the way, you will come across several points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, you will find Gasthaus Kreuz, a charming restaurant where you can refuel before or after your hike. Further along, there are biergartens where you can relax and enjoy a cold drink in the fresh air.

As you continue on the trail, you will pass by viewpoints such as Schlossköpfel, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. You will also come across attractions like Kräutergarten, a herbal garden, and Michelbach Kirche, a historic church worth exploring.

For practical amenities, there are parking spaces available along the route, as well as a fountain for you to refill your water bottle. Information points are also scattered throughout the trail to provide insights into the area's history and landmarks.

Before embarking on this hike, make sure to pack plenty of water, wear sturdy hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast. With a mix of natural beauty and cultural gems, this hike promises a memorable outdoor experience for all nature enthusiasts.

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