Relief Maps

Hiking : Elsbethhütte

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Rastatt Gernsbach

Map of the trail for Elsbethhütte




3.854 km


180.0 m

This hiking route will take you through the beautiful area surrounding Elsbethhütte, starting at coordinates 8.374647, 48.753761. The destination of the hike is Elsbethhütte itself, located at coordinates 8.36829, 48.745475. The total distance of this out-and-back route is 3.854 kilometers with an elevation gain of 180 meters.

As you make your way along the trail, you will come across several points of interest. At the beginning of the hike, you will pass by Rockert, a rock formation just 1 kilometer from the start. Further along the trail, you will find a bench where you can take a rest, and another rock formation called Rockertfelsen. As you continue, you will reach Elsbethhütte, a shelter and viewpoint that is 1 kilometer away from the start.

Along the route, you will also encounter various facilities such as benches for resting, information points to learn more about the area, and even a BBQ area. Keep an eye out for the Kleiner Lautenfelsen peak and enjoy the stunning views from the viewpoint near Elsbethhütte.

This hike is relatively short but includes some elevation gain, so be sure to wear appropriate footwear and bring enough water to stay hydrated. Check the weather forecast before heading out and remember to respect the natural surroundings. Enjoy your hike to Elsbethhütte!

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