Relief Maps

Hiking : Dachsfelsen

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Rastatt Loffenau

Map of the trail for Dachsfelsen




3.052 km


140.0 m

This hiking route will take you to the beautiful area of Dachsfelsen. The route is an out-and-back type, starting at coordinates 8.391073, 48.76903 and ending at coordinates 8.385058, 48.760556.

As you start your hike, you will come across several points of interest along the way. There are benches scattered throughout the route, providing a nice resting spot for hikers. You will also find an information point named LO12, where you can learn more about the area. Make sure to check out the Alte Eiche and Erdbrüchle information points for interesting facts about the surroundings.

One kilometer into the hike, you will reach a viewpoint where you can enjoy stunning panoramic views of the landscape. Further along the trail, there is a picnic site and a natural rock formation worth exploring. Keep an eye out for the historic boundary stone as you continue your journey.

The total distance of the hike is 3.052 kilometers with an elevation gain of 140 meters. The duration of the hike is approximately 50 minutes, but this can vary depending on your pace and the time spent at each point of interest.

Due to the length and elevation of the hike, it is considered to be of moderate difficulty. Make sure to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast before heading out. Enjoy the breathtaking views and peaceful surroundings on this rewarding hiking adventure to Dachsfelsen.

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