Relief Maps

Hiking : Sajathütte

Österreich Tirol Bezirk Lienz Prägraten am Großvenediger

Map of the trail for Sajathütte




10.222 km


1077.0 m

This hiking route will take you on a circular journey starting at Sajathütte, a beautiful alpine hut located at an elevation of 1488 meters. The area is known for its stunning views and challenging terrain, offering a total distance of 10.22 kilometers and an elevation gain of 1077 meters.

As you embark on your hike, you will come across various points of interest along the way. Just 5 kilometers from the start, you will find the Sajathütte alpine hut, where you can take a break, refuel, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings. This is the perfect spot to pause and take in the beauty of the alpine landscape.

Additionally, there are information points scattered throughout the route, providing you with valuable insights about the area and its surroundings. These information points are located at different distances from the start, offering you a chance to learn more about the region as you progress on your hike.

Before setting off on this challenging hike, it is important to come prepared. Make sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate hiking gear. Check the weather forecast beforehand and dress accordingly. And always remember to follow the trail markers and respect the natural environment around you.

Enjoy the journey as you traverse through this stunning alpine landscape, filled with breathtaking views and rewarding challenges.

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