Relief Maps

Hiking : Aven du Devès de Virac - Vallon-Pont-d'Arc

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Ardèche Vallon-Pont-d'Arc

Map of the trail for Aven du Devès de Virac - Vallon-Pont-d'Arc




3.664 km


138.0 m

This hiking route is located in the beautiful area of Aven du Devès de Virac - Vallon-Pont-d'Arc. The total distance of the route is 3.664 kilometers with an elevation gain of 138 meters, making it a moderate level hike. The estimated duration for this hike is approximately 57 minutes.

Starting at the coordinates 4.404727, 44.388032, you will follow an out-and-back route towards the destination at 4.407024, 44.379162. Along the way, you will come across several points of interest:

- Bar: A great spot to grab some refreshments before or after your hike.
- Restaurant: A wheelchair-accessible restaurant where you can enjoy a meal.
- Parking: Convenient parking facilities with no fees for hikers.
- Camp Sites: Domaine des Blachas and Les Blacha offer accommodation options for those looking to extend their stay.
- Caves: Explore fascinating cave entrances such as Event de Foussoubie, Grotte de Cayre Creyt, and Grotte des Huguenots.
- Rock Formations: Admire the natural beauty of the rock formations along the way.
- Viewpoints: Capture stunning views at the viewpoints along the route.

One of the highlights of the hike is reaching Aven du Devès de Virac, a cave entrance located at a distance of 1 kilometer from the start. Make sure to check the weather forecast before embarking on this journey and remember to bring enough water for hydration.

Overall, this hike offers a mix of natural beauty, cultural exploration, and moderate physical challenge, making it a great option for outdoor enthusiasts looking for a rewarding experience in Aven du Devès de Virac - Vallon-Pont-d'Arc.

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