Relief Maps

Hiking : Tour du Bois des Égaux - Salavas

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Ardèche Salavas

Map of the trail for Tour du Bois des Égaux - Salavas




3.483 km


105.0 m

Welcome to the Tour du Bois des Égaux in Salavas! This hiking route offers a great opportunity to explore the beautiful natural surroundings and enjoy stunning viewpoints along the way.

Starting at the parking area near the trailhead, hikers will follow an out-and-back route that covers a total distance of 3.483 kilometers with an elevation gain of 105 meters. The estimated duration for the hike is around 51 minutes, making it a moderate difficulty level suitable for most hikers.

As you make your way along the trail, be sure to stop by the viewpoint located just 1 kilometer from the start. From here, you'll be treated to panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, providing a perfect spot to rest and take in the scenery.

Throughout the hike, be sure to bring an adequate supply of water, especially on hot days, and wear sturdy hiking shoes. It's also recommended to check the weather forecast before setting out to ensure a safe and enjoyable hike.

As you approach the endpoint of the trail, take in the peaceful ambiance of the Bois des Égaux forest before turning back and retracing your steps to the starting point. With its manageable distance and rewarding viewpoints, the Tour du Bois des Égaux is a fantastic hiking option for nature enthusiasts of all levels.

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