Relief Maps

Hiking : Combe des Foges (Aval) - Accés à Tête Pelouse

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Combe des Foges (Aval) - Accés à Tête Pelouse




12.114 km


768.0 m

This extremely difficult hiking route takes you to the beautiful area of Combe des Foges (Aval) - Access à Tête Pelouse. The trail spans a distance of 12.114 kilometers with an elevation gain of 768.0 meters, making it a challenging but rewarding trek for experienced hikers.

As you start your journey, you will come across various points of interest along the trail. About 0.52 kilometers from the start, you will find an information point providing insights about the area. Further along at 0.8 kilometers, there is a restaurant named Le Bissac where you can take a break and refuel. The trail then leads you to a series of water points at around the 6-kilometer mark, offering opportunities to rest and enjoy the serene surroundings.

At approximately 4.26 kilometers from the start, you will reach the Col Pelouse saddle, a natural feature that serves as a scenic resting point before continuing your ascent. As you progress, you may encounter The Flying Dutchman bar at 0.45 kilometers from the start, providing a unique spot to unwind amidst the rugged landscape.

The final stretch of the hike includes reaching the Pointe du Griffon peak at 5.65 kilometers and Les Verdets peak at 4.59 kilometers, offering panoramic views of the area. For those seeking a culinary treat, there are several restaurants scattered along the trail, such as Monte Bianco, Le Diamand Noir, and La Cascade.

Throughout the hike, it is essential to stay hydrated, especially given the challenging terrain. Be sure to bring an ample water supply and check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure. With its mix of natural beauty and gastronomic delights, this hike promises a memorable experience for outdoor enthusiasts.

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