Relief Maps

Hiking : Felsenweg - Weisenbach

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Rastatt Weisenbach

Map of the trail for Felsenweg - Weisenbach




2.077 km


121.0 m

Located in the picturesque region of Felsenweg-Weisenbach, this hiking route offers a breathtaking experience for nature lovers. The trail starts at a convenient parking area and meanders through lush greenery and tranquil surroundings.

As you begin your journey, you will come across a refreshing water source, ideal for refueling and taking a quick break. Shortly after, you will encounter a bench with stunning views of the surrounding landscape, providing the perfect spot to relax and soak in the beauty of the area.

Further along the route, you will find another bench strategically placed for hikers to rest and enjoy the peaceful ambiance. As you continue on, you will come across an information point named Emisauberg, offering valuable insights into the history and significance of the region.

Towards the end of the trail, you will discover a shelter where you can pause for a rest and take in the serenity of your surroundings. With a total distance of 2.077 kilometers and an elevation gain of 121 meters, this out-and-back route offers a moderate challenge for hikers.

Before embarking on this adventure, be sure to pack plenty of water, wear sturdy hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast. Whether you are a seasoned hiker or a nature enthusiast looking for a peaceful retreat, Felsenweg-Weisenbach promises an unforgettable outdoor experience.

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