Relief Maps

Hiking : Tête Noire

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Livet-et-Gavet

Map of the trail for Tête Noire




17.891 km


1484.0 m

This extremely difficult out-and-back hiking route will take you through the stunning Tête Noire area. The trail spans a distance of 17.891 kilometers with an elevation gain of 1484.0 meters, offering a challenging yet rewarding experience for experienced hikers.

As you start your journey, you will come across the picturesque Lac Merlat, located approximately 3.97 kilometers from the trailhead. This serene lake provides a perfect spot to take in the beauty of the surroundings and perhaps rest before continuing your hike.

Further along the trail, around 5.17 kilometers into your hike, you will reach Refuge de La Pra, an alpine hut where you can take a break and enjoy some refreshments. As you hike on, you will encounter Baraque du Colon, a wilderness hut situated 1.7 kilometers from the start, offering a rustic resting place amidst the wilderness.

Along the way, be sure to stay hydrated by refilling your water supply at the drinking water point located 1.73 kilometers into the hike. Additionally, take in the breathtaking views from various viewpoints such as Grand Lauzière, Tête Noire, and others scattered throughout the trail.

Be prepared for challenging terrain and changing weather conditions on this route. Make sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and proper hiking gear. Check the weather forecast before embarking on your journey and always let someone know your hiking plans for safety.

Overall, this hike offers a grueling yet unforgettable experience for those seeking a challenging adventure in the Tête Noire area. Enjoy the scenic beauty and rugged terrain as you push yourself on this demanding outdoor excursion.

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