Relief Maps

Hiking : Tour de la Légette

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Savoie

Map of the trail for Tour de la Légette




1.889 km


70.0 m

Welcome to the Tour de la Légette hiking route! This super easy circular route covers a distance of 1.889 kilometers with an elevation gain of 70 meters, making it suitable for hikers of all levels.

Starting at the parking area located right at the trailhead, you will begin your journey through the picturesque landscape. Along the way, you will come across various Points of Interest (POIs) that will enhance your hiking experience.

Just 0.04 kilometers from the start, you will find the Le Benetton restaurant, where you can grab a bite to eat or enjoy a refreshing drink. As you continue, at 0.04 kilometers, there is a natural water source for you to refill your water bottle.

Further along the trail, at 0.74 kilometers, you will reach the La Légette peak, offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. Make sure to stop and take in the breathtaking scenery. Additionally, at 0.8 kilometers, there is a viewpoint where you can admire the beauty of the landscape.

Near the endpoint of the hike, at 0.02 kilometers, you will reach the Col de la Lézette, a saddle point with information about the area. This is a great spot to rest and learn more about the environment around you.

Before embarking on this hike, remember to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast. With its short distance and minimal elevation gain, the Tour de la Légette is a perfect choice for a leisurely outdoor adventure. Enjoy your hike!

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