Relief Maps

Hiking : Sentier des Ardoisières

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Savoie

Map of the trail for Sentier des Ardoisières




5.978 km


379.0 m

The Sentier des Ardoisières trail is a moderate-level hiking route spanning approximately 5.978 kilometers with an elevation gain of 379 meters. This out-and-back trail offers hikers a picturesque journey through the stunning natural beauty of the area.

As you begin your hike, you will find a convenient parking area nearby to leave your vehicle. It is always recommended to bring plenty of water and snacks, as well as to check the weather forecast before embarking on your adventure.

Along the trail, you will come across several water sources, some closer to the start and others further along the route. These waypoints serve as ideal spots to rest, hydrate, and take in the surrounding scenery. Keep an eye out for the Lac de Lavouet, a beautiful lake located approximately 2.58 kilometers from the starting point.

Additionally, there are spring sites scattered along the trail, providing a refreshing natural water source for hikers. One such spring is located around 2.58 kilometers into the hike, offering a moment of tranquility and a chance to refill your water supply.

With various water features, including streams and springs, the Sentier des Ardoisières trail promises a rewarding and refreshing hiking experience. Whether you choose to admire the natural beauty, take a break at the water points, or simply revel in the peaceful surroundings, this trail offers something for every outdoor enthusiast. Enjoy your hike and immerse yourself in the beauty of this captivating trail.

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