Relief Maps

Hiking : croix - Séchilienne

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Séchilienne

Map of the trail for croix - Séchilienne




6.27 km


557.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to croix - Séchilienne! This trail offers a beautiful trek through stunning landscapes with a total distance of 6.27 kilometers and an elevation gain of 557 meters. The duration of this hike is approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes.

Starting at the parking area near the coordinates 45.083595, 5.784353, you will begin your journey towards croix - Séchilienne. Make sure to bring plenty of water and check the weather forecast before heading out.

Along the way, you will come across several points of interest. At a distance of 2 kilometers from the start, you will find two drinking water points for rehydration. As you continue your hike, at a distance of 3 kilometers, you will reach a viewpoint called "Panorama sur Vizille" offering breathtaking views of the surrounding area.

Further down the trail, at a distance of 3 kilometers, you will encounter a historic wayside cross known as "croix". Take a moment to appreciate the significance of this landmark. Additionally, there are several information points along the route providing insights into the local attractions such as "la Patte d'oie", "Bois de Mont Sec", and "MontJean".

As this is an out-and-back route, you will return to your starting point after reaching croix - Séchilienne. The destination coordinates are 45.080329, 5.803612, situated at an elevation of 851 meters.

Overall, this hike offers a moderate level of difficulty due to its length and elevation gain. Make sure to wear appropriate footwear and take breaks as needed. Enjoy the scenic views and the tranquility of nature on this picturesque hiking trail!

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