Relief Maps

Hiking : Cascade de l'Oursière

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Cascade de l'Oursière




6.681 km


369.0 m

Located in the beautiful area of Cascade de l'Oursière, this moderate 6.681-kilometer out-and-back hike offers stunning views and a chance to explore the natural beauty of the region.

Starting at the parking area, you will follow the trail that leads you past La Gafe, a notable viewpoint that offers panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscape. As you continue on, you will come across benches where you can take a rest and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

Midway through the hike, you will encounter the Cascade de l'Oursière waterfall, a majestic sight worth the visit. The trail also features an information point about the waterfall, providing interesting facts about its formation and importance in the area.

Make sure to bring plenty of water and snacks for the journey, as well as check the weather forecast before heading out. With an elevation gain of 369 meters, this hike offers a moderate challenge for hikers of all levels. Enjoy the hike and soak in the natural beauty of Cascade de l'Oursière!

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