Relief Maps

Hiking : Aiguille Verte

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Aiguille Verte




7.462 km


613.0 m

This challenging hiking route takes you through a stunning area, culminating at the majestic Aiguille Verte. The trail spans a distance of 7.462 kilometers with an elevation gain of 613 meters, making it a difficult but rewarding journey.

As you start your hike, you'll come across the Col Sous le Bouclon, a picturesque saddle located 2.85 kilometers from the trailhead. Further along the path, at 3.73 kilometers from the start, you'll encounter the impressive peak of Aiguille Verte, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Before embarking on this adventure, make sure to bring an ample water supply and check the weather forecast, as conditions can change rapidly in mountainous regions. Additionally, be prepared for the challenging terrain and steep inclines along the route.

Along the way, you'll find informative signposts such as the Bassins de Samance and Vé la baraka, providing insights into the local flora, fauna, and geography. If you need a rest or refuel, there are parking areas conveniently located at various points along the trail.

As you journey back from Aiguille Verte, take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds you and soak in the sense of accomplishment from conquering this demanding hike.

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