Relief Maps

Hiking : Crête de la Charmille

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Crête de la Charmille




7.411 km


862.0 m

This hiking route takes you to the Crête de la Charmille area, offering stunning views and a challenging terrain. The trail is 7.4 kilometers long with an elevation gain of 862 meters, making it a difficult hike that will take approximately 3 hours and 52 minutes to complete.

Starting at the parking area, you will begin your journey towards the Crête de la Charmille peak. Along the way, you will come across the Sapinus Terminorum boundary stone around 2.65 kilometers into the hike. This historic landmark marks a significant point along the trail.

Around the 3.71 kilometer mark, you will reach the Crête de la Charmille peak, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding area. Additionally, there is an information point located at the beginning of the trail, providing insights into the local attractions and landmarks.

As you continue on the trail, approximately 1.08 kilometers from the start, you will find the Rocher de la Fenêtre viewpoint. This spot offers a unique perspective of the landscape, although it is slightly off the main trail.

Throughout the hike, it is recommended to bring an ample water supply and check the weather forecast beforehand. Due to the length and elevation gain of the trail, hikers should be prepared for a challenging but rewarding adventure.

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