Relief Maps

Hiking : Câble - Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux

Map of the trail for Câble - Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux




3.229 km


403.0 m

This hiking route starts at Câble in Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux. The area boasts beautiful natural scenery and historical landmarks for hikers to explore.

As you begin your journey, you will come across several points of interest along the way. Be sure to check out the Narbonne information point to learn more about the area. You will also find multiple drinking water sources to refill your water bottles and stay hydrated throughout the hike.

One kilometer into the hike, you will reach a viewpoint where you can stop and admire the breathtaking panoramic views of the surroundings. Further along the route, you will encounter the ruins of an ancient Roman cistern, adding a touch of history to your adventure.

With a total distance of 3.229 kilometers and an elevation gain of 403 meters, this circular hike offers a moderate level of difficulty. Be prepared with proper hiking gear, including sturdy footwear, and bring an adequate supply of water. It is also recommended to check the weather forecast before heading out to ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience.

Enjoy the journey and take in the natural beauty and historical significance of the Câble - Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux hiking route!

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