Relief Maps

Hiking : Col de la Tencon - La Buisse

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère La Buisse

Map of the trail for Col de la Tencon - La Buisse




3.923 km


425.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route from Le Bourget to Col de la Tencon in La Buisse. This picturesque route offers stunning views and a moderate level of difficulty.

Starting from Le Bourget, make sure to visit the information center to gather any necessary information about the area. As you continue on the trail, you will come across the Belvédère des maquisards viewpoint, offering a breathtaking panoramic view of the surroundings. This is a great spot to take a break and soak in the natural beauty.

Further along the route, you will encounter more informational points that provide insights into the local area. The Col de la Tencon is a notable landmark that marks the end of the hike. Make sure to visit the viewpoint nearby to enjoy the scenic views before heading back.

The total distance of the hike is 3.923 kilometers with an elevation gain of 425 meters. The duration of the hike is approximately 1 hour and 29 minutes. Due to the moderate distance and elevation gain, this hike is suitable for hikers of all skill levels, but it is always advisable to check the weather forecast before embarking on the journey.

Don't forget to bring an adequate supply of water and snacks, as well as wear appropriate hiking gear. Enjoy your adventure from Le Bourget to Col de la Tencon in La Buisse!

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