Relief Maps

Hiking : Эндек

Україна Автономна Республіка Крим Бахчисарайский район Зелёновское сельское поселение

Map of the trail for Эндек




17.041 km


1229.0 m

This extremely difficult 17.041-kilometer circular hiking route will take you through the breathtaking landscapes of the Эндек area. The trail starts at the parking area at the Yalta Zoo, where you can find facilities like cafes and information points. As you embark on your journey, you'll come across the ruins of Плотина Эндек-Голь around the 6.69-kilometer mark, adding a touch of history to your adventure.

Along the way, you'll encounter various waterfalls such as Буфилья, Верхний Яузлар, and Второй, each offering a unique and refreshing stop as you trek through the challenging terrain. The route also features viewpoints like Эндек and Ставри-Кая, where you can pause to take in the panoramic views of the surrounding natural beauty.

For a quick break, picnic sites and benches are strategically placed along the trail, providing opportunities to rest and refuel before continuing your journey. Make sure to stay hydrated and carry enough water with you, as the trail can be physically demanding due to its length and elevation gain of 1229.0 meters.

Before embarking on this adventure, it's essential to check the weather forecast and ensure you have the necessary hiking gear and supplies. And remember, safety always comes first, so be prepared for the challenging terrain and pace yourself accordingly. Enjoy the stunning views and immersive experience that the Эндек hiking route has to offer!

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